A crying baby communicates emotions and needs. In the first year, this is primarily the need for food, drink and emotional closeness to mom. If the mother is tuned to the baby, she quickly distinguishes between the different cries and can respond properly to meet the baby's needs. This is essential for the proper development of the child's personality. The overlooked need and leaving of a baby to cry has irreparable consequences on his personality and brain.

Above all, it is important for the child to have a positive experience of feeding and closeness when sleeping. Leaving the baby to sleep on its own or even crying is very dangerous for its development (I explain why in the article above). We can never give a baby too much love. Pure unconditional love in the first year is essential for its development.

In the second year, the child learns relationships. Relationship with his mother, father and other important adults in his life. If the relationships are beautiful, peaceful and harmonious, the child's worldview will be the same.

In the third year, the first real separation from the mother comes to the child's life. Here, the role of the father or other male figure in the process of separation from the mother is also very important. It is the father who takes away the child from the mother and takes him into the world. The father shows the child his attitude towards the world. If it is positive and secure, the child will also be perceived as such by the world. If this is not the case, beliefs develop that do not support us later in life. The father is also the one who gives the daughter the first information that she is beautiful and loved. If she lacks this, she will later look for it in older men.

What adults see as stubbornness in the third year of a child is a great distress that arises on his or her inside between the need to stay one with the mother and the development of an independent personality. Therefore, we must be especially compassionate and understanding when these tribulations are manifested. We must be present, stable, calm and give the child the message that we are there for him and that we understand how difficult it is for him.